The most ports in the smallest package. A total of 104 Pins, plus a 44 Pin Daughter Card for additional ports.
A429_RX/TX - ARINC 429 ports supporting all 256 labels, all 4 SDI's at high or low speed. Can perform simple conversions or support additional protocols such as ARINC 702 or ARINC 615 dataload.
ASCB - Honeywell Avionics Standard Communications Bus (ASCB) versions A/B/C. These ports also support other Honeywell formats such as Radio System Bus (RSB).
SIGNAL_IN - Multi-purpose inputs capable of receiving Gnd/Open, 28v/Open, Frequency Counters, and 12-Bit Analog Inputs.
GND_DISC_OUT - GND/Open outputs capable of driving annunciators or relays. Some output pins can double as GND/Open pin.
V_DISC_OUT - High-side discrete output for superflags or running low current switches and relays.
ANALOG_IN - Extremely accurate 24-bit isolated analog inputs, with a configurable pre-amp. Accurate for -5-40v, but also configurable for fine readings from temp sensors and 150mA deviations.
RS232_RX/TX - Serial COM ports, except designed to withstand aircraft-level HIRF & lighting.
RS422_RX/TX - Isolated RS422 UARTS that can support aircraft protocols such as CSDB or configured as RS485. Depending on the network, these ports may be configured for CAN bus.
AC_SIGNAL_OUT - Transformer-coupled function generator outputs capable of driving phase-shifted signals (such as sychro's or ARINC 407), or amplitude signals (such as Roll Steers 393mV/deg).
DC_SIGNAL_OUT - Program-able Digital-to-Analog (DAC) for producing DC signals.
FREQ_COUNTER - High Frequency counting inputs. The SIGNAL_IN have frequency-counting capability (good for ~2kHz), but the FREQ_COUNTER inputs are intended for input rates in hundreds of kHz, such as those needed for counting jet engine tach signals.
note: Provisionally the U1713 intends to implement other protocols such as Ethernet, ARINC 664/AFDX, MIL-STD-1553. If you don't see the protocol you need, just let us know.